4 Features to Customize in a Polymer Pencil

The humble pencil, a staple in classrooms and offices, has evolved significantly since its inception. While the core function remains the same, the aesthetics and ergonomics of the pencil have transformed, particularly with the advent of polymer pencils. These modern writing tools offer a plethora of customization possibilities, allowing companies and individuals to create pencils that align with their unique preferences and branding.

Customizable Features in a Polymer Pencil

Size of the Pencil

Since the advent of this writing tool in the early days of civilization, pencils have been available in various shapes and sizes. However, towards the end of the 19th century, pencils were manufactured in bulk in specialized factories. In the modern day, the standard size of a polymer pencil is 7 inches. However, some other size variants are:

Miniature Pencils: Perfect for promotional giveaways, these compact pencils are often used for trade shows, conferences, or as party favors.

Oversized Pencils: These larger-than-life pencils command attention and are ideal for branding or decorative purposes. They can be used as unique display items or as part of marketing campaigns.

Colour and Pattern

Color psychology is crucial in design, and polymer pencils are no exception. The selection of color evokes specific emotions and targets different demographics.

Neon Colors

Associated with energy, youth, and excitement, neon colors are popular for children’s products and promotional items.

Pastel Colors

Soft and gentle pastel colors create a calming and soothing atmosphere. They are often used for educational products and stationery.

Metallic Colors

Symbolizing luxury, elegance, and sophistication, metallic colors are suitable for high-end products and corporate gifts.

Custom Patterns

Beyond solid colors, polymer pencils can be adorned with a variety of patterns, including stripes, polka dots, gradients, and even custom designs. This allows for endless creative possibilities.

Pencil Body Shape

The shape of a pencil significantly impacts its ergonomics and aesthetics. Different shapes cater to diverse user preferences and writing styles.

Hexagonal Shape

This classic shape offers a secure grip and prevents the pencil from rolling away. Due to its practicality, it is the most common shape for pencils.

Triangular Shape

Providing a comfortable grip for children and those with larger hands, the triangular shape encourages proper holding of pencils.

 Circular Shape

The circular shape is sleek and modern and is often used for design-focused pencils. However, it may lack the grip and stability of other shapes.

Branding and Logo

Polymer pencils offer a prime canvas for branding and logo placement. Whether it’s a company logo, a personal monogram, or a custom design, pencils can be transformed into powerful marketing tools.

  • Logo Placement: For maximum brand visibility, the logo should be placed on the pencil body or the grip area
  • Color Matching: Choosing colors that complement the brand identity can enhance the overall impact of the logo.
  • Special Finishes: Adding special finishes like embossing or debossing to elevate the look of the logo.

Final Notes

By carefully considering these customizable features, you can create polymer pencils that write and make a statement. Whether you’re an individual looking for a personalized writing experience or a business aiming to create a memorable promotional item, the possibilities are endless.

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How to Evaluate the Quality of a Polymer Pencil

What makes a Polymer Pencil Unique

The humble pencil, a timeless writing tool, finds its place in nearly every household and classroom. From crafting grocery lists to sketching masterpieces, pencils offer a versatile and convenient way to put our thoughts and ideas on paper. However, not all pencils are created equal. Polymer pencils have become increasingly popular due to their durability and eco-friendly nature. This guide will delve into the unique qualities of polymer pencils and provide methods to assess their overall quality.

What makes a Polymer Pencil Unique?

Unlike traditional wooden pencils, polymer pencils use a synthetic resin barrel to encode the graphite lead. This construction offers several advantages:

  • Durability: Polymer resists splintering and cracking, making them ideal for everyday use and travel.
  • Eco-Friendly: They eliminate the need to harvest wood for pencil production.
  • Comfort: The smooth barrel provides a comfortable writing experience.

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How to Check the Quality of the Polymer Pencil?

To check the strength of the Pencil Body

Polymer pencils are generally more breakable compared to ordinary wooden pencils. But even then, there are two easy ways to check the quality of the pencil body. 

Method One: Flex Test

1. Select a polymer pencil.

2. Grasp the pencil with both hands, ensuring that the distance between your hands and the ends of the pencil is symmetrical on both sides.

3. Apply equal pressure to both sides and gently pull downward.

4. If the pencil breaks cleanly from the center without any jagged edges or chipping, it signifies that it is made of high-quality polymer.

Method Two: Pinch Test

1. Take a polymer pencil in one hand.

2. Using one hand, put your thumb on the center of the pencil body.

3. Carefully position your ring and index fingers on the two ends of the pencil (opposite to the direction of the thumb). Ensure the gap between the thumb, ring finger, and thumb and index finger is the same. Then, apply pressure on the center of the pencil with your thumb.

4. A good quality polymer pencil resists pressure and does not break.

To check the strength of the Graphite Lead

To assess the strength of graphite of a polymer pencil, you can utilize the following method:

Method One: Sharpen and Scribble

1. Sharpen the pencil and observe the lead for any cracks or uneven sharpening.

2. Now, using the same pencil pencil, scribble lightly on a piece of paper, using moderate pressure

3. If the scribbled lines are dark, smooth, and consistent without unintentional breaks then it indicates that the lead is good quality.

Method Two: Break Test

1. Hold the pencil with one hand. The pencil should be at an angle of 90 degrees to the paper

2. Now apply pressure on the pencil downwards so that the tip of the pencil rubs onto the paper

3. If the tip breaks into large chunks, the lead quality is poor.

4. If the tip of the pencil breaks into a fine black dust-like powder, it’s a good-quality graphite used in the polymer pencil.


By employing these simple tests, you can effectively assess the quality of a polymer pencil. Remember, a high-quality polymer pencil should boast a strong, flexible body, resist breaking under moderate pressure, and possess smooth, durable graphite that delivers consistent writing performance.

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Customized Polymer Pencils: The Perfect Promotional Product


Navigating the corporate landscape requires finesse, especially when selecting gifts for clients, employees, and partners. The challenge lies in finding something meaningful, memorable, and aligned with your brand’s ethos. Additionally, it’s crucial that the chosen gift resonates with the recipients and adds value to their lives. And this is where the polymer pencil comes in handy! 

A customized polymer pencil is not just a writing tool; it’s a powerful marketing tool that can be used as a promotional item for gifting purposes. Moreover, when considering gifts for children or targeting companies with children as their primary audience, polymer pencils prove to be an ideal choice. They come in vibrant colors, are durable, and are eco-friendly, making them perfect for event giveaways or as part of a promotional package to create a lasting impression.

Why is a Customized Polymer Pencil an Ideal Promotional Product?

Essential and Easy to Use

Despite the growing dominance of technology, polymer pencils remain an essential tool in our daily lives. They are easy to use and serve various purposes for children and adults. They can be utilized for writing, sketching, solving puzzles, taking notes, brainstorming, conveying heartfelt messages and even as bookmarks.

Aids in Brand Visibility

Investing in personalized polymer pencils for your company is a smart move to increase brand exposure. Each time the pencil is used, your company’s name and logo will leave a lasting impression on the user’s memory. This marketing strategy is especially effective for targeting children and young students who use pencils daily for regular and academic purposes.

Convenient and Cost-Effective

Customized polymer pencils for business are convenient and cost-effective. Its universal regular utility makes it an ideal brand promotional product, giving wide visibility to a brand. From conferences to hotel room desks, from the desks of children in school to their homes, pencils are a regular companion for various purposes.

Eco-Friendly Alternative

Customized polymer pencils are made using a combination of graphite and clay mixed with polymer (plastic), making them durable, flexible, and eco-friendly alternatives to wooden pencils. It also promotes an eco-friendly image for your company and aligns with the growing emphasis on environmentally conscious business practices.

Industries that Prefer Customized Polymer Pencils as Promotional Products

Industries that Prefer Customized Polymer Pencils


These companies distribute customised pens with their brand names to doctors, along with samples of their medicines. The pens serve as a subtle reminder to the doctors, as every time they use the pen, they are subconsciously reminded of the brand name engraved on it. This increases the chances of them recommending the brand to their patients in the future.


It’s not uncommon for garment companies to give away personalised pens to customers as a way to showcase their brand. Seeing the brand name every time they use the pen can serve as a subtle reminder to the customer of their positive experience with the brand and inspire them to shop with them again in the future.


The hospitality industry frequently provides customised pens adorned with logos to employees, staff, and guests. However, these pens serve as cherished souvenirs for guests, reminding them of their stay at a specific hotel or resort. As a result, the hotel or resort gains brand visibility through word-of-mouth promotion as guests share their positive experiences with others.

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Why Choose Spartex

Established in 2002, Spartex has been dedicated to transforming writing products such as ball pens, direct-fill pens, and polymer pencils. At Spartex, we understand the significance of using complementary and corporate distribution as a means of appreciation, branding, and building strong relationships. By choosing Spartex, you can make a statement of distinction with your promotional product orders. We offer customization options that align with your brand and unique needs, lending a personal touch to your corporate and complimentary gifts.

The Evolution of Pencils: A Brief History


The good-old pencil is a dull writing tool at first glance. Nonetheless, it is one of those writing products associated with thousands of years of history and legacy, changing and evolving from one generation to the next. Nowadays, this tool is often sidelined, and its closest relative, the pen, is favored more for its reliability. Nonetheless, the pencil becomes a staple for a five-year-old drawing stick figures in a sketchbook, a middle-aged person annotating his favorite book, or an eighty-year-old man solving sudoku puzzles in a newspaper.

The Etymology of Pencil

source: blogs.bl.uk

The term ‘pencil’ derives from Old French “Pincel” and Latin “Penicillins,” or a “little tail,” originally referred to an artist’s fine camel hair brush in the Middle Ages. However, drawing with a brush goes back to the early petrograph. Before contemporary lead or chalk pencils, little pieces of rock were used as writing products

From the mid-16th Century, pure graphite blocks (sometimes called “black lead”) were employed to mark things in England. Gradually, the wooden encasing came into being to prevent the messy fingers caused by graphite blocks. This appears to be the point at which the term pencil was changed from an assortment of brushes necessary for “graphite writing implement.”

The Origin of Pencil

The term “pencil” comes from the Ancient Romans (3200 B.C.), who used lead styluses to scratch letters onto tablets covered in a thin layer of wax. The lead stylus was developed to be employed with papyrus, on which the metallic lead would create a faint impression. In the Middle Ages, scribes working on manuscripts would use a metal stylus, called plummet, made of lead or silver to rule lines onto parchment pages to ensure straight writing. The scribes would also use a metal point to sketch any pictures engraved onto each page once the text was finished. The plummet, an early parent of the pencil, was used as early as the 11th or 12th Century.

Graphite and the Modern Pencils

Locals discovered enormous pure graphite in Borrowdale in England’s Lake District in the early 16th Century. Because metallurgy and chemistry were both in their infancy, this material known as ‘plumbago,’ the Latin for ‘lead ore,’ was thought to be a form of black lead rather than a type of carbon. Locals soon noticed that brittle graphite formed dark stains on the surface. This resulted in the first graphite-based pencils, which were shortly wrapped in wood for improved grip. The Borrowdale mines were the sole significant supply of high-quality graphite around most European nations. The graphite from these mines was used to create peculiar square pieces of graphite, recognized across Europe for their exceptional quality and mark-making strength.

The Birth of Wooden Pencils

The first attempt to make graphite sticks from ground graphite took place in the 1660s in Nuremberg, Germany. The outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars in the latter part of the 18th Century prompted the French to invent a different method and formula for the pencil’s core. 

Nicholas-Jacques Conte, an inventor working in Napoleon Bonaparte’s army, created the modern pencil in 1795.

Conte’s initial method for producing pencils entailed roasting a combination of water, clay, and graphite at 1,900 degrees Fahrenheit in a kiln and then wrapping the finished soft solid in a wooden enclosure. Depending on the purpose of the pencil, the surround might be square, polygonal, or circular. Graphite sticks were initially wrapped in string. 

Later, the graphite was put inside hollowed-out wooden sticks, giving birth to the wood-cased pencil.

Industrialization and Mass Production

To capitalize on the exceptional quality of the graphite, a substantial pencil manufacturing business sprung up around Keswick throughout the nineteenth Century. The first factory, Banks, Son & Co, today known as the Derwent Cumberland Pencil Company, was established in 1832. Cumberland pencils were the best since the graphite left little dust and clearly marked the page. In 1662, Johann Staedtler was inspired by the graphite pencils marketed in London and established the Staedtler Pencil Company in Nuremberg, Germany. This was the first affordable pencil manufacturer mass-produced and distributed throughout Europe.

Polymer Pencil: An Eco-Friendly Alternative

Spartex Gold Loose Polymer Pencils

Although the wooden pencil is a classic that can be found in every home, it does have a few drawbacks. It doesn’t make up for sustainable writing products since it requires four times the raw materials of a raw polymer pencil and more than double the raw materials of recycled paper. However, the invention of raw polymer pencil marked a considerable advancement in the pencil-making sector. These pencils contained a core of graphite blended with a clay binder, which resulted in lighter lines that were simple to erase. These pencils outperformed traditional wooden pencils in terms of environmental impact. They stay longer and may be reused, making them more cost-effective for consumers and ecologically beneficial. 

Pencils in the 21st Century

Pencils have taken several shapes throughout the years. However, as children’s schooling became more prevalent in Europe, pencils became necessary for young people. With the arrival of the twenty-first Century came modernity and stylization. Students were yearning for unique educational resources, so pencil producers also began to become creative. With their colorful packaging and designs, foldable pencils, click pencils, and pencils with various graphite tips dominated the market. When it comes to polymer pencil for students, Spartex has the best pencil for students. 

The pencil’s distinctiveness as a writing implement cannot be overstated. It has been utilized in space, underwater, and by schoolchildren hesitantly making their first letters over the past five millennia. If one adds the Romans’ lead styluses, the pencil has been the most extensively used writing implement for the longest time. In fact, the graphite in pencils is a carbon descendant of the charcoal discovered in the first cave drawings, making the simple pencil lying in your file cabinet rich with history as extensive as your own DNA.

Evolution of Pencils(Timeline)

Be it the Ancient Roman Stylus of 3200 B.C. or the modern-day pointy graphite-polymer blocks encased in a glossy wooden case, our dear old pencils have traveled a long way through time and history. To understand how this exciting evolution took place and how this ancient metallic equipment that was used to scrape on stone became a student favorite, we need to look at its development through the ages

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Polymer Color Pencils: What Makes Them Unique

Polymer Colour Pencils

The choice of tools can make all the difference in art and creativity. Polymer color pencils stand out among the many artistic tools as a colorful and flexible material that continues to enchant artists of all abilities. Their distinct qualities provide a plethora of benefits that enhance the aesthetic experience.

Here are five reasons to dump your old wooden colored pencils and add polymer colored pencils to your collection.

Vibrant and Intense Hues

Polymer color pencils deliver rich, intense colors. Their pigment concentration is often higher than traditional color pencils, allowing artists to achieve vivid hues and bold shades quickly. Whether aiming for a striking portrait or a lively landscape, polymer color pencils provide vibrant shades that bring your vision to life.

Smooth and Even Application

A defining advantage of polymer color pencils is their smooth and consistent application. The wax-based composition of these pencils ensures that the color glides effortlessly onto the paper, creating an even layer of pigment. This feature allows for seamless blending and layering, enabling artists to achieve gradients, transitions, and intricate detailing that enhance the overall composition.

Precision and Control

Polymer color pencils offer remarkable precision and control. It can create intricate lines, delicate textures, and fine details. Whether it’s capturing the texture of fur or the soft folds of fabric, polymer color pencils provide the control needed to achieve intricate realism.

Minimal Mess and Portability

Unlike other art mediums, polymer color pencils are relatively mess-free. Their solid form eliminates the need for brushes, water, or solvents, making them an ideal choice for artists seeking a clean and convenient option. Their size makes them portable, allowing artists to create art anywhere, from studio to outdoor settings.

Versatility of Surfaces

Polymer color pencils are incredibly versatile. While they work beautifully on traditional drawing paper, they also adhere well to various other surfaces, such as illustration boards, bristol boards, and textured papers. This adaptability allows artists to experiment with different textures and effects.

To sum up,

Polymer color pencils offer artistic possibilities with their vibrant pigments, smooth application, bendability, precision, and durability. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or an aspiring creator, embracing polymer color pencils means embarking on a voyage where your creativity knows no bounds.

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Polymer Pencils: A Unique Innovation in the World of Pencils

polymer pencil banner

In an age of technological advances, the good old pencil has somehow squeezed its pointy head into our file cabinets. This writing tool has constantly companioned writers, artists, students, etc. However, the bare wooden pencil often entails a list of disadvantages: it requires regular sharpening, has to be replaced periodically, and usually leaves a detrimental environmental impact.

To counteract these disadvantages, the 21st-century polymer pencil comes in. It is a unique, versatile, and eco-friendly alternative to wooden pencils. Let’s take a dive into the world of polymer pencils and look at the special features that set them apart:

The Fusion of Science and Art

Polymer pencils depict a harmonious blend of science and artistry. The core of the pencil is made using graphite and binder particles. This renders the writing tool with superior mechanical properties and a longer shelf-life.

Available in Different Sizes

One fundamental limitation of the wooden pencil is its availability in different sizes. The traditional pencil generally features a standard size and grade. On the other hand, a polymer pencil comes in a wide assortment of sizes suitable for multiple tasy=tes and purposes. Whether intricate details with 0.3mm fine lines or bolder strokes of 0.9mm lines,- polymer pencils can do it all.

Durable and Consistent

One of the most important benefits of using polymer pencils is their durability. Additionally, polymer pencils leave consistent markings and lines, which is essential for writing and art. The lines and marks often need to be more consistent with regular pencils.

A Greener Choice

The polymer pencil emerges as a more sustainable choice in an era of environmental awareness. It is eco-friendly, harms fewer trees in its making, and can be used longer.


Polymer pencil for students have made their way into educational establishments. Because of their longevity and constancy, they are perfect companions for students on their academic travels. Furthermore, their versatility in diverse paper surfaces and writing styles makes them more convenient for students.

To sum up,

As a writing tool, polymer pencils have carved out a unique place for themselves in the writing world. These pencils exemplify how legacy and innovation combine to create tools that enhance human creativity, even in our modern era.

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